Friday, July 13, 2012

He said yes :)

Okay, sorry for soooo many videos all the time but sometimes what I wish I could say is in a song or, in this case, a skit! So, here's a message from the Skit Guys. Kinda funny but very deep at the same time!!

Thanks for visiting! 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I see Your face, You're beautiful...

Hey everyone. I want to start by asking a prayer request of you guys. This morning we found out a woman named Jamie Feroli - my aunt's best friend who was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago, and has a daughter about my age - passed away, I think last night but maybe this morning. I just ask that you guys would be in prayer for her family, as well as for my aunt and her family, they were very very close. Jamie was such a blessing to my aunt and her family. We appreciate prayers.

Today, and for the next few days, I want to challenge you all to take the time as you go about your lives and take a look at the world around you. The earth itself, as well as the people in it. Look at the beauty the Lord has made. More importantly though, I want you to take a look at Christ. A long, in depth look, every day. Look at how beautiful He is! He created beauty!!! He is beauty!!! That being said...

I want to share some more music with ya! As usual, ha :) And, like yesterday's post, it's another Phil Wickham song, so I hope you enjoyed him!! This other song is called Beautiful, and it very well may be my favorite...not sure, it's difficult for me to choose!! :) Anyway, here it is:

Yeah, I couldn't find a real video that was good enough quality, but the images in this one are really pretty so I picked this one! :)

Okay, so now that you've heart it...I found two really awesome covers of this song that I feel obligated to share because they're really awesome!

They are super talented! I think this one is my favorite cover!! What I really love about it is how they're just jammin' out in the middle of like their family Christmas gathering or something, and so at the beginning it's really hard to hear them over everyone talking, but then by the end of the song, everyone else in the room is pretty still and quiet listening to them worship. I love that! It reminds me a little bit of what the Holy Spirit does in our hearts. Among all the hustle and bustle in our lives, through all the trials and strife, He keeps singing His song of love over us and stills our hearts. Awesome :)

Okay, one more!!

She sounds like an angel, to me!  Very talented.

Clearly, I love that song!! Now, if you didn't get to see my Phil Wickham post yesterday, here's the link, just in case your technologically handicapped like I am!

Alrighty, well I'm off to get my hair chopped off!!! Note to young women everywhere: don't color your hair. Ever. It's beautiful the way it is!!! Mkay, fingers crossed! ;)

Thanks for visiting!! :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Gotta love Phil!

Okay, sorry, I know I already posted once today! But if you've ever met me, you know I have a whole bunch to say and never enough time to say it other words, I "talk alot" ;)

So anyhow, I just really wanted to share some Phil Wickham with ya! This is one of my very favorite songs. It's called True Love, and that's exactly what this song is all about!!

Awesome song! Great guy with great talent.

If you're really interested, here's a video of Phil talking about how he got into the whole being a worship leader, Christian artist guy.... If you don't really love Phil, you might not want to watch it lol but here's the link anyways, just for kicks...

Soon to come: awesome cover of this song! :) that I'm clearly a freak! Have a great day! :)

Thanks for visiting!

Daily Bread

Hello, everyone!!

This is my first post since I arrived back to the States from Haiti. For those of you who haven't heard a thing about my trip yet: I feel in love in Haiti...with 53 Haitians!! Pictured above is me with two little guys who hung around me a whole bunch. Each one of the kids at the orphanage we worked with are so very precious. They LOVE Jesus and have such a remarkable faith in Him. They worship the Lord all the day long! They're rhythm is absolutely amazing, they sing like angels!! It's the most beautiful sound in the world. I cannot wait to get back to them!! If you would like to hear more about my trip, please let me know and I will try to get with you on that!! I love sharing about it! :) The things that God did in and through my heart while I was in Haiti are just too awesome to keep to myself.

Which brings me to a prayer request: I will be speaking at a women's brunch about my trip to Haiti on July 21st. I'm a little nervous, but I'm just going to surrender my heart and my mind and my mouth to God and let Him speak through me, because it's all about Him anyway! But please pray for me :)

Also, pray that my heart would find guidance in returning to what my team and I have been calling the "new normal" after coming back home, and pray that God will open the doors to more missions and that I would hear His voice in walking through the right doors! :)

Many of you know that I gave my life to missions at Falls Creek when I was 15. I know that's what God has called me to do, and I have chosen to surrender to His call. I tried not to for years, but obviously that didn't work; God got a hold of me, set me on His chosen path for my life, and now that my heart is involved I could never want to be or do anything else.
A few days before we left for Haiti, I was reading a devotional called "Voices of the Faithful," which is a compilation of short devotionals written by missionaries stationed all around the world. As I read one of the devotions, the Holy Spirit moved inside my heart and revealed to me that I will be a missionary. I still don't know in what form, but I know that in one way or another I will spend my life involved in missions! I'm so excited!! I'm still watching, waiting, and listening for God's voice to tell me which direction to go and when, but that's how we're supposed to live - asking Him each day for our daily bread - so I'm okay with that!
After arriving in Haiti and spending a few days with the kids, it hit me one night while I was lying in bed: God has given me a heart for Haiti, and more specifically for this particular ministry and this particular orphanage, and these particular people/children. It's like I found where I belong. I wept and wept because I realized how blind and even more so how stubborn I had been. I had told the Lord, "Your will be done; send me where You will!" but in reality I was picking and choosing in my mind where I would allow God to send me to share His word and His love. Now, God may send me several or even many other places besides Haiti, but He may not. Either way, I have fully surrendered my heart and my life to Him. I have learned to fully rely on God for my '"daily bread" and I'm still learning more every day. I'm not saying this is easy, because it isn't; I'm still human and this is still a struggle. However, God is making this all possible; He's making it possible for me to let go of the earthly things I hold dear to me and cling to Him and only Him. It's hard, but with a love like He has for me, it's worth it. Very worth it; He's the only thing that will last when this world has all passed away. His love will be the only thing that will survive for all eternity.

I'm so excited about what God has for my life and to see what He will do in and through my life! I know He will do big things. I know this because that's what He promises in His word! In Matthew, Jesus tells us that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, He will move mountains through that faith! In Jeremiah, we find that nothing is too difficult for the Lord. If we expect God to show up and do great, big, mighty things, He will. We just have to have the faith!

Growing up, I used to wish I had brothers. As it turns out, I have several brothers! (A few of which are pictured here:) They're just all Haitian so I didn't get to know them until I was almost 20 years old, haha:) I love them so much!! Almost as much as I miss them :)

Okay, not all my brothers are Haitian! Some are Texan, but we won't hold that against any of them! :) Here's more brothers :)

Here's some brothers AND sisters that I love :) I love each and every one of those kids! Miss them so much!

Just wanted to share that piece of my heart! I left most of my heart there in Haiti, so like I said I can't wait to get back :)

Thanks for visiting!!

Orevwa :)